• Last modified 3577 days ago (July 17, 2014)


Burkholder family gathers for reunion

The 12th bi-annual family reunion of the Frank and Rebecca McHenry Burkholder family was held July 4th and 5th at the home of John and Penny Antoszyk in Marion.

Festivities began July 4th with a barbecue, yard games and fireworks. A meal of pulled pork, baked beans, and desserts was shared on Saturday. Guests reminisced over old photos and remembered relatives past, as well as caught up on current events.

Attending from Marion were Irene Richmond, Dusty, Becky, Brayden, and Madisyn Hulett, Samantha Fugitt, and John and Penny Antoszyk.

Those attending from Kansas were Loren Winders, Monty and Patsy Frazier, John and Terri Frazier, Doug and Mary Hansen, Jaden and Kyler Reed, Kevin and Tracy Reid, Jeff and Jayden Burkholder, Spencer Fugitt, and Mikael Antoszyk, Wichita.

Morris and Tania Lewis, Leslie and Mike Wilks of Newton, Travis and Kayla Richardson of Salina, Dan and Deborah Gulley of Anthony, Jerry Burkholder of Topeka, and Thieen, Chelsey, and Isabel Antoszyk of Tampa.

Out of state guests were Bill Burkholder of Miami, Texas, and Clint and Jackie Torgerson of Port Huron, Michigan.

Last modified July 17, 2014