• Last modified 111 days ago (July 4, 2024)


County to cut spending

With increased spending in most areas but less in some, county commissioners are proposing a budget $28,451 lower than this year’s.

Most of the savings will come from having no capital project for a health department building, which last year accounted for $1,709,671.

Overall, the capital improvement budget would be trimmed from $4.9 million to $1.4 million. Other savings are lake patrol, $7,000; county clerk technology fund, $200; and jail bond and interest, $0.

The total proposed budget would be $30,532,583, compared to $30,561,034.

The estimated tax rate would be a revenue-neutral 72.957, compared to 75.878 for this year, but work on the budget is not complete.

Both the cities of Marion and Hillsboro, which have only begun looking at budget matters, expect to propose exceeding revenue-neutral rates.

Last modified July 4, 2024