• Last modified 4295 days ago (Aug. 15, 2012)


Grazing school taking reservations

Farmers and ranchers are invited to participate in the third annual Eastern Kansas Grazing School, Sept. 12 and 13, at Lyon County Fairgrounds in Emporia.

The two-day management intensive grazing (MIG) school will be a hands-on learning experience preparing participants to start their own rotational grazing system with forages adapted to eastern Kansas.

Topics covered will include the science behind grazing, graziers’ arithmetic, matching livestock and forage needs, pasture layout and design, grazing economics, and fencing and watering designs. Hands-on field exercises and two farm tours will be included.

The school is appropriate for beginner and experienced graziers and targets adult learners.

Registration, due Aug. 22, is $50 for the first person from a farm, which includes lunches, snacks, and handouts. Additional persons from the same farm are $25, which includes lunches and snacks.

For more information, contact Brian Rees, Lyon County Extension Office at (620) 341-3220, or Or go to the Kansas Rural Center website for a registration form at

Last modified Aug. 15, 2012