• Last modified 2604 days ago (March 16, 2017)


Hillsboro to have ambulance station

Staff writer

Hillsboro will have its own ambulance station after paving the way for full-time paramedics to be housed and fed while on duty.

Hillsboro mayor Delores Dalke told county commissioners the city has made arrangements for housing and feeding paramedics who will be stationed there after the county hires the first two of four full-time paramedics planned for Emergency Medical Service.

They will be housed in apartments below a doctor’s clinic, which is nearby the hospital, Dalke said.

“Because the housing is right next to Salem Home, which is the current hospital, they would be able to eat in the cafeteria,” Dalke said.

Arrangements also have been made for ambulances to be stationed at the hospital, Dalke said.

“We are trying really hard. We are begging for help in Hillsboro,” Dalke said. “With Tabor College there, they’re the biggest employer in the county. We have to have ambulance available for sports and activities.”

County commissioners gave EMS director Ed Debesis the green light to hire two full-time paramedics. Two more will be added later.

Last modified March 16, 2017