• Last modified 2605 days ago (March 15, 2017)


NORTHWEST OF DURHAM:   Wiebe celebrates birthday

Northwest of Durham correspondent
(620) 732-2647

The birthday of Shannon Wiebe was celebrated March 5 at the home of her grandparents Ransom and Lillian Wiebe. Guests included her parents, Jason and Sheri Wiebe and family, Merlin and Karletta Wiebe, Aaron and Janessa Herbel and Kade, Kristine Thomas and children, and Joni Zeiset and Kelton. Bryan Thomas was home because of illness and Jasper Zeiset was out west helping fight fires.

Dora Unruh attended memorial services for her cousin Jacob Goessen on Thursday at Schowalter Villa Chapel in Hesston.

Morning Star youth and leaders, Heath and Tannis Dirks and family, and Mark and Kris Wiebe, came to the home of Ransom and Lillian Wiebe on March 7 to sing for them.

Roy and Nadine Davis invited Tim Davis, Darrin and Meri Kay Rhodes and family, and Doyle and Kara Wiebe and family to be their Sunday dinner guests.

Grandma Unruh and Jenna Unruh enjoyed breakfast in Durham Saturday morning for Jenna’s birthday.

Fellowship and dinner was had in the home of Clayton and Betty Wiebe. Guests included Tonja Wiebe, Katelyn Unruh, Katie Schmidt, Emily Entz, Galen and Teresa Entz and Andrew, and Calvin and Janene Wiebe and family.

Lon and Deb Hiebert visited the Ron Unruh home late Saturday afternoon.

Last modified March 15, 2017