• Main Street Ministries gives Bryant hope

    Sometimes one of the hardest things about getting help is accepting it, but when Alisha Bryant was at the end of her rope, Main Street Ministries in Hillsboro came through for her with flying colors. “I had no self-confidence, I just knew I needed to get out of the situation I was in,” Bryant said. “When I came here I thought I would have to swallow my pride, but the people here were so great. They listened to me, they didn’t make me feel bad, they were so warm and caring — they changed my life and helped me find hope.”

  • Expert recommends common sense for energy savings

    When Evan Stout walks out of a room, he automatically shuts off the lights, even if it is a hallway at Marion County Road and Bridge staging office where he works, or the light over his oven at home in Marion. “After eight years of working as an energy manager, it is just habit for me,” Stout said. “I told my wife the other day, ‘I don’t think the oven is afraid of the dark. There is no reason for these extra lights to be on.’”

  • Scam rumor sets swap site abuzz

    Most Facebook postings on the Marion County Swap Site pertain to clothing, vehicles, or other miscellaneous items for sale, but last week a posting about Marion County law enforcement personnel posing as loan collection officers set the Internet service abuzz. “I received a call from an unnamed person who reported they had been called by someone threatening to arrest them for defaulting on a loan,” Sheriff Deputy Wilma Mueller said. “Then I saw a similar posting on the Marion County Swap Site, which I am a member of, that said a Marion County officer had made the threat. But that was all wrong.”

  • Piggies play in Goessel puddles

    Pot-bellied pigs Daisy and Petunia caused quite a stir in Goessel Thursday morning when they decided to go for a stroll and check out the local puddles. “I saw them first west of town by the city water wells,” City Clerk Anita Goertzen said. “They were just trucking down the highway headed into town.”

  • City avoids stupid street problem

    Hillsboro City Council members unanimously agreed Tuesday that $12,000 is not too steep a price to pay to avoid a “stupid-looking” street. City Administrator Larry Paine presented a change order to the council, explaining additional work needed on Cedar Street where Barkley Construction is in the process of tearing out and replacing worn asphalt and broken curb and guttering.


  • Juanita Helmer

    Juanita Grace (Gutsch) Helmer was born May 16, 1929, on a farm southwest of Burdick, Kan., in Marion County. She was the second of five children born to Carl and Dorotha (Peddycord) Gutsch. Soon after her birth, the family moved to a farm east of Antelope, Kan., and Juanita lived there until she married.

  • Richard Morse

    Richard Roger “Dick” Morse, 69, of Springfield, Ill., died May 28 at St. John’s Hospital. He was born Feb. 24, 1944, in Pampa, Texas, to Roger H. and Marie (Stover) Morse. He grew up in Marion and graduated from Marion High School in 1962. He earned a bachelor’s degree in art history from Amherst College in Amherst, Mass., and a master’s degree in architecture from Harvard Graduate School of Design in Cambridge, Mass. He married Nathela Chatara in 1973 in Ashland, Ill.

  • Glenna Newkirk

    Glenna Jean Boydston Newkirk, 64, passed away May 31, 2013, in her home in Marion. A shared memorial service for Glenna and her mother, Julie A. Boydston, will be 11 a.m. Monday, June 24, at Eastmoor United Methodist Church in Marion. A memorial has been established for Eastmoor United Methodist Church and Harden Hospice Kansas.

  • Nancy Scandone

    Nancy Scandone, 77, of Navarre, Fla., died April 29, 2013, in Pensacola, Fla. She was born in Marion, Kan., Oct. 19, 1935, to O.J. and Faye Allen. Nancy attended elementary school in Marion and graduated from Marion High School.

  • Art Unrau

    Art Unrau, 101, died Saturday at his home in Hillsboro. He was born Feb. 15, 1912, to David and Anna (Becker) Unrau in Munich, N.D. He married Isabelle Claassen on June 12, 1938, in Fairbury, Neb.

  • Charles D. Unruh

    Charles David Unruh, 85, passed away on May 8, 2013, at Bethesda Home in Goessel. He was born March 19, 1928 in Newton the son of Bernhard “Ben” and Margaret Klassen Unruh. On January 24, 1953, he married Dora R. Goertzen at Tabor Mennonite Church. She survives of the home.



  • Bluegrass concert opens summer lineup

    There’s no shortage of entertainment this year at the Marion County Park and Lake. Bluegrass The KBA Treblemakers and the Alfred Packer Memorial String band will be at the 6th annual “Bluegrass At the Lake” two-day concert event, held at the county lake beach area. It is free to the public. There also will be an open stage from 6 to 8:30 p.m. June 14 and 4 to 6 p.m. June 15. The best performance will win the $100 grand prize. The Marion County Firefighters Association will provide concessions. MOPS Run

  • Guests love fishing, camping at lakes

    On a Saturday afternoon with nothing to do, Lyle Brewer of Newton drove to Marion County Park and Lake with his wife. It was their first time visiting the lake. “I’ve heard about this place but never been here before,” Brewer said.

  • Chingawassa Days gives family fun a push

    Chingawassa Days has several events that have become annual fixtures: concerts, barbecue, pancake feed, and chainsaw carving are just a few. “I don’t think it’s any secret that there are things we seem to have every year,” committee member Mike Powers said.

  • Angler spends free time trying for record

    Todd Stultz has always wanted to break a record — and he wants to do it this year with fish. It all started at the age of 10. One early morning, his father woke him out of a sound slumber and took him out in a small fishing boat on an Oklahoma lake. And, he has never looked back. Ever since, he’s spent all of his free time fishing; it’s what he loves to do.

  • No horsin' around for college student

    While most teenagers are serving fast food, working with harvest crews, or mowing grass for summertime employment, Alex Schmidt of rural Hillsboro works as part of a mule wagon team. “I love everything about it,” Schmidt, 18, said. “People always have a lot of questions about the mules, and it just seems to make their day when they get to ride in our wagon.”

  • Sports and arts facilities top-notch

    When David Clark arrived at Marion High School to teach vocal music five years ago, he was greeted by the then-new USD 408 Performing Arts Center. Since then, the 550-seat auditorium has been the home of concerts, plays, musicals, school programs, assemblies, and community church services. Clark said having the facility elevated all of those performances.

  • One man's junk is another's store

    Marion Ogden has been buying, selling, and collecting antiques since 1994 and he has not reached a limit yet on what catches his attention — and to him, none of it is junk. “If it is interesting and I like it, I buy it,” Ogden said. “I don’t necessarily put an age barrier on what I buy, but I know from experience some things are worth more than others if they are old.”

  • More patients staying in county

    Rural health care has been facing a trend toward fewer inpatients and more outpatients, and St. Luke Hospital’s 2011 renovation and expansion was geared toward that fact. One of the biggest changes was the expansion of physical therapy facilities, which now include private treatment rooms and a therapy pool.

  • Art is just a stroll away in Marion

    Toby Flores of Hays was one of the artists demonstrating his work during the third annual summer Art and Music Stroll Sunday in downtown Marion, blacksmithing behind Gallery 101’s sculpture garden with help from his son, Cooper. “We came just for this,” Flores said.

  • Artists, musicians share talents

    The blisters and calluses covering Grant Charpentier’s palms and fingers were in sharp contrast to the sparkling glass roses, bowls, and plates he offered for sale Sunday at Marion’s Art and Music Stroll. Charpentier, a glass blower from Emporia, displayed his art in front of Flint Hills Gold at Third and Main streets and visited with those who stopped to admire his work.


  • County waiting for tax sale on motel

    Marion County Economic Development Director Teresa Huffman told county commissioners that there is an out-of-state buyer interested in the Florence motel. She said she has talked with him at least every month for the past year and wanted to know what was the commission’s plan for the building.

  • County stuck on dirt roads

    Half a mile away from Gary Diepenbrock’s house, on Vista Road northwest of Lincolnville, there is stretch of dirt road that was mired with four mud holes after recent rains. Three vehicles were stuck over a two-day period. “With the conditions our back roads are getting in, it’s to the point where blading them is not the answer,” Diepenbrock said. “I think some will be impassible before too long.”


  • It takes a village

    I received a phone call from my son-in-law one morning. My daughter, three months from her due date, was at the emergency room. I was out for my morning walk when I received the call and, like any grandma would do, I hailed down the first car that went past me. Thank God it was my friend, Cynthia Barrett. She rushed me to my vehicle and I hurried to the hospital where Don Hodson was examining Nikki. Her umbilical cord had detached, and ready or not, we had a baby on the way.


    Sights and sounds of hay season are unbeatable

    Promised sales-tax sunset doesn't materialize


  • Abrahams loves to show off his Cabriolet

    It’s been 51 years since Ray Abrahams bought his 1932 Chevy Cabriolet, but it still gives him pleasure. “It’s my pride and joy,” he said.

  • 4-H Food Fest is June 8

    Marion County 4-H’ers will have their annual creative table setting and menu-planning contest from 9 to 10:30 a.m. June 8 at the Marion County Fairgrounds in Hillsboro. Contact Nancy Pihl at (620) 382-2325 for more information.

  • Apathy cancels WRAPS meeting

    Peggy Blackman decided to cancel the reservoir tour, dinner, and meeting on Tuesday because she only had six people who had signed up. She was planning for at least 75 attendees.

  • Conservation stewardship applications due June 14

    The deadline for applications to participate in the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Conservation Stewardship Program has been extended to June 14.

  • Goessel museum plans car show

    The Mennonite Heritage & Agricultural Museum in Goessel will have its sixth annual antique and classic car and truck show from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 15 on the museum grounds, 200 N. Poplar St., Goessel. Cars, trucks, and motorcycles in any condition manufactured between 1900 and 1980 are welcome. Awards will include people’s choice, best of show, and second and third places in both car and truck divisions.


  • Project talks, skit make 4-H meeting

    The Goessel Goal Getters 4-H Club met at 7 p.m. May 6 at the Goessel City Building. Members answer roll call with answers to the question, “How long is the yellow brick road?”

  • McPherson Opera House offers free performance

    The Wichita Children’s Theatre will be performing “Little Red Riding Hood” at 10 and 11:30 a.m. Saturday at the McPherson Opera House. Admission to this musical adaptation of the classic fairy tale is free for all ages, thanks to a grant from the Waldhauer Education Fund.

  • Farmers Market vouchers available

    The Mennonite Heritage & Agricultural Museum in Goessel will have its sixth annual antique and classic car and truck show from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. June 15 on the museum grounds, 200 N. Poplar St., Goessel. Cars, trucks, and motorcycles in any condition manufactured between 1900 and 1980 are welcome. Awards will include people’s choice, best of show, and second and third places in both car and truck divisions.


    Kleins celebrate 60th anniversary


  • Hillsboro Senior Center

    A program focusing on violence against seniors will be the June 6 topic at Hillsboro Senior Center. Foot care takes place June 11, appointments appreciated. Bingo takes place after lunch June 12.

  • Northwest of Durham

    Eighteen members of Durham Senior Citizens met May 22 at the Durham Community Building for a potluck supper. Harmon and Joyce Medley were hosts. Special guests were Superintendent Steve Noble and his wife Gita, and family. Noble spoke to the group about activities pertaining to USD 410. Gayla Ratzlaff handed out survey papers. Jasper and Joni Zeiset of Chickasha, Okla. came for memorial services for Ken Wiebe. They spent the week of May 20 visiting Mark and Kris Wiebe.

  • Tampa

    Several area young people entertained May 28 at the Prairie Pals meeting in the Lutheran church basement. Kaylee Hall opened by singing, “The Star-spangled Banner.” Shania Svitak and Cassie Thompson entertained with a duet-acting skit, and Shania did an oral interpretation selection from her forensics competition. Jacob Herbel closed with two violin selections. Others present included Iona Dietrich, Laveta Meyer, Lori Meyer, Tom and Dee Duggan, Deb Hall, Phyllis Branson, Jenny Svitak, Payton and Jonah, and Eleanor, Paula, and Danea Herbel. Mary Clemmer and Jane Vajnar were hostesses. Elmer Gooding of Tempe, Ariz., spent several days in May visiting his sister, Lucille Kerbs. Russ Kerbs joined them May 24. Later that day, Elmer and Lucille met Connie Thompson and Taylor and Allison Sluder and Brooklyn for dinner in Abilene.


  • K-State students complete degrees

    Kansas State University in Manhattan had spring commencement last month, and several students from Marion County earned degrees. Hillsboro Kody Borg, bachelor of science in construction science and management; Alexander Jost, bachelor of science in agriculture; Mitchell Koop, master of architecture; David Loewen, doctor of philosophy in curriculum and instruction; and Bryant Miller, bachelor of science in family studies and human services. Lincolnville Savik Howard, bachelor of science; and Adam Kristek, bachelor of science.

  • FFA members win awards

    Jacob Cope, member of the Marion/Florence FFA Chapter, was recognized May 30 for having one of the best agricultural career experience programs in the state at the 85th Kansas FFA Convention. Cope received a State FFA Proficiency Award in Beef Production - Placement during the convention for outstanding accomplishments he has made in developing programs that will prepare him for a career in agriculture. This award is sponsored by the McPherson County Feeders.

  • Area students receive state FFA degrees

    Several Marion County FFA members received a State FFA Degree May 31 at the state convention in Manhattan. The State Degree is the highest honor the Kansas FFA Association can bestow on its members. Centre recipients were Justin Deines, Kyle Methvin, Chad Mueller, Tom Oborny, Tanner Peterson, Karl Riffel, and Ty Simons.


  • Athletes picked for all-star football games

    Marion juniors Grif Case and Taylor Heidebrecht were selected by baseball coaches from across the state to be honored as part of the 3A all-state baseball team. Case was honored as an outfielder and Heidebrecht was honored as a first baseman. Both were named to the second team. The all-state team was selected before the state tournament.


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